• #LeadersForGovernance
    Government Relations Development Programme for Indonesian Social Leaders (GRDP-ISL)
As a developing country, Indonesia needs collaborative governance to strengthen the nation. This strategy does not only involve the government solely, but also involves partnerships with business entities, the private sector, universities, and ...

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GRDP-ISL Timeline

1 Day Hybrid Capacity Building

Description About
Explore Further with 4 Selected Organizers
Yayasan Satu Karsa Karya (YSKK)
Education Sukoharjo, Central Java

YSKK is a Non-Governmental Organization that born on May 12 2001 in Surakarta, Central Java has declared itself as part of a critical and solutive national development, by working 'for and with' marginalized-powerless communities, especially women and children so that they become more empowered and fulfilled their basic rights. Until 2022, the coverage area of the YSKK program, both those that have ended and are currently running, are in 7 provinces; 21 districts/cities; 90 villages; 394 schools; 61 women's cooperatives.

YSKK has experience (more than 22 years) working with various donors, national and international, including: GFW, Japan Embassy, NZAid, TIFA Foundation, World Bank, GFC, AusAID, TdH Netherlands, USAID, Exxon Mobile Tbk., PT. JAPFA Comfeed Tbk., HiVOS, EU, AKH Germany, ChildFund International, PLAN International, Ministry of Education and Culture, etc. In addition, to date YSKK has also provided consulting services for more than 76 types and 37 topics of training; more than 14 studies; 2,749 training alumni; 52 user institutions spread across 19 provinces.

Environment DKI Jakarta

PetaBencana.id is a free and open source platform that maps disasters in real-time using crowdsourcing reports collected through social media, with government agency validation. Through a platform design that is data-light and interoperable seamlessly with instant messaging and social media applications, it is designed for communities with minimal funds, institutions with limited technical means, and individuals with simple means; particularly in encouraging these groups to understand and use disaster reporting systems effectively without extensive or expensive training.

PetaBencana.id was first launched in 2013 (formerly PetaJakarta.org), and has been used by millions of the general public, responders, and government disaster managers to make critical safety and navigation decisions during emergency disaster events. In the 2015 World Disaster Report by the International Federation of the Red Cross, PetaBencana.id was recommended as a model for community involvement in relation to disaster response; and in 2016, the United States Federal Communications Commission also recommended PetaBencana.id as a best practice regarding disaster information resources.

Environment DKI Jakarta
CarbonEthics is an impact enterprise focused on developing carbon sequestration projects at Natural Climate Solutions and pioneering at Blue Carbon Rehabilitations.
Garis Hitam Project
Equality Mamuju, West Sulawesi
Garis Hitam Project is a social business to empower female convicts and ex-convicts, this program is also accompanied by learning and mentoring and training to develop the potential of female convicts and ex-convicts as well as building the business spirit of each prisoner. In addition, they also took part in raising the issue of discrimination faced by female convicts and ex-convicts.
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