
A Day of Learning with Pak Gita Wirjawan and Chandler Institute of Government πŸ’™




​Written by: William Gondokusumo @williamatcampaign (Founder of Campaign)

Today we marked an essential milestone in our ongoing journey to foster robust collaborations between Indonesia's government bodies and the social sector.

Two pillars in the vast societal ecosystem play critical roles in driving sustainable development - government bodies and the social sector. Governments set the foundation for growth and progress with their extensive reach and regulatory powers. At the same time, the social sector - consisting of NGOs, nonprofits, and social enterprises - works tirelessly to address grassroots issues, ensuring that growth is inclusive and equitable.

Given this context, the crucial question is how can we strengthen the collaboration between the government and social sector in Indonesia, allowing them to combine their unique strengths and work synergistically towards shared goals?

We sought to address this question through a one-day capacity-building class as part of the Government Relations Development Programme for Indonesian Social Leaders (GRDP-ISL) hosted by the Chandler Institute of Governance. During this, we aimed to foster dialogue, enhance learning, and create a platform for strengthening government-social sector partnerships in Indonesia.


Our guest of honour, Pak Gita Wirjawan, former Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia, who shared his insights and experience on effective government relations and relationship-building in Indonesia.

During his panel discussion, Mr. Gita conveyed a wealth of insights, drawing from his experience as the former Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia (2011-2014). From the government's perspective on social issues to valuable tips on collaboration, his wisdom left a lasting impact on us. One of his quotes resonated deeply:

β€œThe necessary provisions toΒ become a catalyst are inseparable from three essential attributes: competence, integrity, and accountability.”

This profound statement encapsulates the core principles that can drive meaningful change and progress."


Hopefully, CSO collaborating in this project can be one of the catalysts that hold those 3 attributes. This initiative was made possible by the Chandler Institute of Governance, a testament to their commitment to good governance and public service excellence. We extend our heartfelt thanks to Wei Nam, Dominic, Victoria, and Kiara for their vital insights and wisdom.

From nearly 100 applicants, we were honoured to host four standout social organisations, each driving change through their unique collaborations with government agencies:

1. Yayasan Satu Karsa Karya (YSKK): For 20 years, YSKK has collaborated with the Ministries of Education and Women, supporting marginalised women and children. Support their campaign Challenge

2.Β PetaBencana.id: An innovative platform that uses social media to provide real-time disaster information, now adopted by the Indonesian National Disaster Management Agency. Support their campaign Challenge:

3. CarbonEthics: A youth-led organisation working with the government on decarbonisation. CarbonEthics promotes government programs targeting young people. Support their campaign Challenge.

4. Garis Hitam Project: A unique project creating job opportunities for female ex-convicts in Mamuju, Sulawesi Barat. They've worked with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, providing classes to empower these women to start small businesses. Support their campaign Challenge:

These organizations have been instrumental in driving change in the education, environment, and equality sectors and have partnered with government agencies to enhance their impact. Their stories showcased the power of robust collaborations and the transformative changes they can bring.

Amid these reflections, I am grateful that Campaign was able to be part of the Kampus Merdeka Program initiated by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology in Indonesia during the pandemic. This program was a bridge between the government, the private sector, and students nationwide.

Students got a platform to gain practical experience and contribute to meaningful social causes, and we got to learn from the fresh perspectives of these young individuals. What stood out was the coming together of students from various backgrounds, united by a shared commitment to social change.

This collaboration between public and private sectors remarkably impacted many levels, exemplifying the transformative potential when the government, social sector, and businesses align their efforts. With such collaborations in mind, we continue our mission to strengthen partnerships between the government and social sector in Indonesia.

Full article here: https://medium.com/life-at-campaign-forchange/powering-government-social-sector-impact-in-indonesia-a-day-of-learning-with-pak-gita-wirjawan-and-ba89d2fabfec






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