
Yuk, Magang di Campaign!




Halo, Changemakers! Kamu tertarik dengan isu sosial dan mau ikut berkontribusi untuk perubahan Indonesia? Yuk, gabung menjadi tim magang di Campaign! Yep, kali ini Campaign membuka kesempatan untuk KAMU menjadi tim Community Engagement, Social Media, dan Illustrator. Tenang, lowongan magang ini enggak hanya untuk kamu yang masih kuliah akhir lho. Fesh graduate juga bisa ikutan apply. Jadi, tertarik untuk bergabung? Baca info selengkapnya di sini ya: 1. Community Engagement Intern *Requirements - Fresh graduate or students in final year of Bachelor Degree - Experienced in events management and have a great attention to details - Familiar in handling community events - Passionate and knowledgable in technology and social issues would be desirable *Job Descriptions - Create and update outreach tools and document - Assits with all engagement events - Assist in and contribute to strategic discussion for overall events - Conduct research to create a targeted prospect list based on the current events - Build relationships and form teams on behalf of Campaign stakeholder - Complete other duties as assigned 2. Social Media Intern *Requirements - Fresh graduate or students in final year of Bachelor Degree - Experienced in content creation for a range of digital platforms (blog, social media, email marketing, etc) and have a great attention to details - Familiar in handling various social media platforms (Twitter, FB, Instagram) - Passionate and knowledgable in technology and social issues would be desirable *Job Descriptions - Design social media strategy to increase Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter reach - Develop content calendars on a weekly and monthly basis - Be responsible for day-to-day management and interaction within social media channels such as Facebook, twitter, Instagram, etc - Monitor analytics with social media team to identify viable ideas 3. Illustrator Intern *Requirements - Fresh graduate or students in final year of Bachelor Degree - Expertise in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator (InDesign is a plus) and have a great attention to details - A creative, extremely proactive individual that thrives in a fast-paced environment - Passionate and knowledgable in technology and social issues would be desirable *Job Descriptions - Collaborate with various team members and learn all aspects of our business and product - Assist Creative team in design and execution of creative assets - Ensure all designs meet business objectives/goals, as well as meet corporate, brand and community standards Yuk, langsung buka tautannya di sini: https://bit.ly/campaigninternship





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