
Less Waste, Farmer's Joy




Tanipanen is a social enterprise which wants to take a role in solving the problem. Tanipanen helps farmers to distribute imperfect and ugly of agriculture products both fruits and vegetables including dicoloration, size, scratch, asymmetry, lack of market or surplus. Our team came from different background and fields, they are: Whisnu Febry Afrianto as Chief Executive Officer, Whisnu has experiences working in various fields such as university, government research institute, conservation NGO, and organic certification organization. In 2017, he received The Woodruff and Maxwell awards for the young researcher (ATBC-AP, Xishuangbanna). He graduated from Master of Conservation of Tropical Biodiversity in IPB University and bachelor from Universitas Gadjah Mada. Indriyani Rayahu, as Chief Operational Officer, Previously, Indri worked as a facilitator and inspector in the organic agriculture sector. She had to facilitate +100 farmers in 4 provinces. Moreover, she had experiences in several agriculture training such as training for export in agriculture, PIRT, facilitator and Inspector for organic farming. Indri graduated from bachelor degree majoring animal husbandry in Padjajaran University. Veski Zunius, as Chief Marketing Officer, after graduated from bachelor degree majoring animal husbandry in IPB University, Veksi worked in digital marketing in hotel and managed +10 healthy seminars as well as training. Veksi was also working closely with farmers as a facilitator for organic village projects. Environmental, social, and economy Issues 1. Indonesia ranks 73 out of 119 qualifying countries. Indonesia has a score of 21.9, it means that Indonesia suffers from a level of hunger that is serious. 2. The Sustainable Index 2018 shows that Indonesia is the bottom 10 country from the rank (60 of 67) based on food losses and food waste indicator 3. Food losses contribute 8% of greenhouse emission or 3.3 Gtonnes of CO2 equivalent and based on the blue water footprint (i.e. ground-water resources and the consumption of surface) of food wastage is about 250 km3, as well as impact to biodiversity such as mammals, birds, fishes, and herpetofauna. 4. Food losses decrease farmer's income. Our goals are (1) to increase farmer’s income, (2) to solve hunger issue, (3) to solve environmental impacts, (4) to develop sustainable agriculture, as well as to contribute SDG’s goals such as (2) no hunger, (8) good jobs and economic growth, (12) responsible consumption, (13) climate action, and (16) life on land. No we are looking for partnership with farmers from Bogor and Cianjur. In October 2018, Tanipanen won 1st place in an idea startup competition in 2018 that was held by YAI Persada University. To reach our impact we need collaboration from all parties such as Investors, other startups focus on agricultural sector, farmers, government organizations, environment NGO's or organizations, urban farming and greening movement communities. Our impacts: Environment Reducing food losses, decreasing carbon emission, saving water consumption, land and biodiversity Farmers Increasing farmer’s income Enriching postharvest handling knowledge for farmers We are on the developing our system, products, and business. Through Young Change makers Social Enterprise Academy we can receive the great opportunities to find mentors and collaboration partners for reaching our goals.





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