
Coaching Class 2 Hara




Identifying Market, research the idea, and determine our skills: Launch an  innovative product of services to our market segmentation and how to define the segmentation that is suitable to our product/services. Asking question to identify what they really want. We can conduct it through the internet by looking up the data or survey or do interview with relative or those whom related to our product or services by phone, or direct method. The purpose is to find out the answer of product uniqueness. It could be something that is new or product improvement than other competitors. How to Identify Market : Does your market have a high market scale? This a way how we can actually identify that our market is sufficient enough to sustainably run our capital. To know our future customer. The idea is then continue to identify our customer capability in potentially paying our product or services. We can find it out by knowing their habit of consumption or expense and their income. Does your target market is suitable to our product? Using technology is one of the way to innovate our product so then our services can sustainable. This area can be related to our capacity of our own skill, was that really fit to our customer needs. Hara is a data chain in the food and agriculture sector. They combine business and technology that complement each other. Core value is important to spread the message to everyone. Have impact is one of their core value. They have market in agriculture and willing to help farmer by giving access to them as capital, the fist step they want to build by filling the gap in between bank and famer. Gender diversity is important and never make assumption as a limitation of doing the job. Many of respondent agreed that gender diversity is important. Hara team really agree to the statement that gender diversity can bring a huge potential to combining idea and perspective. The important thing openness and build communication amongst team.





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