


Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities (CIMSA) is a non-profit and non-government organization that is independent, nationalist, non-political, and non-partisan with activity-based programs. CIMSA consists of 6 standing committees related around health issues, that is Reproductive Health including HIV/AIDS, Public Health, Medical Education, Human Right and Peace, Research Exchange, and Professional Exchange. CIMSA is affiliated with International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA), the biggest medical students’ organization in the world who has been recognized by the United Nations. CIMSA was officially established in May 6th, 2001 by some medical students from various cities of Indonesia based on the inclination for an organization that based on ongoing activities. CIMSA also held its first general assembly on May 11th – 13th, 2001 and become affiliated with IFMSA on 2002. Since then, CIMSA has 23 locals spread in various Faculty of Medicine throughout the Indonesia and continue to grow. Standing Committee on Research Exchange (SCORE) of Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities (CIMSA) is one of the standing committees of CIMSA which has a research exchange program to facilitate Indonesian medical students to experience study exchange to foreign countries for research purposes. The research can be done in a clinical and/or laboratory setting in hope of developing the skills and deepen the medical knowledge that can be applied for in the future for improving Indonesian healthcare. SCORE CIMSA affiliated with IFMSA and other relevant external parties are the cogwheel of the exchange. The primary focus of SCORE CIMSA are to manage incomings and outgoings of the exchange. For the incomings, SCORE CIMSA help in the administration procedure for those who want to do research projects in one of the faculty of medicine in Indonesia as well as helping the incoming to adapt to Indonesia. SCORE CIMSA also invite the incomings to take part in any cultural and social events, hoping that they can blend in to Indonesian lifestyle and be acquainted with all aspect of living in Indonesia. Along with SCORE, Standing Committee on Public Health (SCOPH) of Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities (CIMSA) was established in Semarang, Central Java in 1999. SCOPH aims to develop the ability to cooperate and explore idea of public health related issue including global health issue, health regulation and activity that is related with education and promotion of health. With a proper health education to all elements of society, we hope health problem in community, including communicable and non-communicable diseases will be decreased. SCOPH CIMSA promotes the development of medical students in Indonesia regarding Public Health issues through an international and national sharing knowledge network, projects management, community-bases learning, capacity building, advocacy, exchanges placements, and access to external learning opportunities with the areas of focus are: health promotion, social & environmental determinants of health (SDH), universal health coverage, health in all policies (HiAP), global health, as well as international health and public health.





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