
Coaching Class #4: Measuring Social Impact




The last's class topic is how to measure the social impact of your social enterprise with Coach Romy. ---- This one of important things for sociopreneurs to measure how their social enterprise works. As what Cilota Bali does during this time, so Coach Romy's formula will bring us to understand and measure our work, here it is: -There is one strategy to measure it. Firstly, it is by making an-8-measuring-social-impact-word including action verb, target population, and outcome. Cilota Bali proposed this sentence: "Minimizing Waste and Optimizing Village's Resource for Local Community's Prosperity" Action verbs: Minimizing waste & optimizing village's resource Target population: local community Outcome: prosperity -------- In addition, there is another way to measure social impact of your social enterprise, that is by 2 indicators as follows: 1) Quantity of impact : in Cilota Bali, we have been empowering around 25 people in our village (housewives, men, local students) 2) Quality of impact: - Skills (the team of local community now has soft skills in making handcraft by training and practices we held) - Job creation (unemployeed villagers now have side job as a production team in Cilota Bali with different experts and fields) - Income (the production team now has extra income) - Awareness/careness (the villagers team now have more awareness and careness on their own village's resource, e.g. they are getting take care much more to the palmyra palm trees and waste around them because we all recycle and process them) We believe that everything needs time and process. Cilota Bali is committed to sustain and stay the work continiousely and social entrepreneurship initiative to create local community's prosperity together.





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