
Motivation to Join SDG PIPE




In August 2018, I started a youth organization called Katalisator Muda (KaMu) Indonesia to deal with the issue that Liked the most which are peace and conflict. Well, I was born in an armed conflict area in Aceh, and having a first-hand experience about the terror of the conflict, I also lose my father due to the armed conflict. I would like to contribute to preventing the same conflict happened again, this is where my organization put its focus on empowering youths to understand further about peace and conflict, to produce youth peace catalyst that can stand up for tension and transforming conflict into positive in their respective community. I’m very happy to know that many youths other than me also found the issue is an emerging need for Indonesia who has rich in diversity and its so easy to cease tension and violence in society, and would like to support the organization caused by doing voluntary work. Along the way since then, the organization managed to have 20 members that work voluntarily, and most of them are youth. Further, we even have a chance to collaborate with many outstanding local and international organization in several of our project, we even being given a responsibility to receive some grants to expand our impact in Indonesia, and one of it is Campaign.com. Katalisator Muda (KaMu) Indonesia and I have been involved in some Campaign.com activities in which allows us to meet and expand our networks with many youth organizations around Jakarta. Personally, I found the Campaign.com program benefited me a lot as a young changemaker, some knowledge that I got from previous programs was directly implemented in Katalisator Muda (KaMu) Indonesia, in which what makes the organization currently well known in its first year. Its been a year since I started Katalisator Muda (KaMu) Indonesia, and I do realize that I still have lack of knowledge and I need a mentor to help me to develop further Katalisator Muda (KaMu) Indonesia to expand and sustaining our impact in Indonesia as a whole. And this is when I found out about another program from Campaign.com that allows me to do so. Without a second thought, I directly prepare and written up my application.             My expectation to join the program formed by the idea to learn more on how to contribute further for Indonesia’s development in a specific SDG’s, especially on SDG No.4 Quality of Education and No.10 Reduced Inequalities. SDG PIPE giving out the opportunities for me to engage with individuals from internationally-diverse backgrounds and broaden my horizon in the field of peace and development. I would like to enhance my skill in designing program and I want to learn how sustains my social-enterprise in term of funding and impact on society. As well as to acquire various knowledge and skills to be applied in supporting sustainable development No. 4 Quality of Education, No.10 Reduced Inequalities, and No.16 Peace, Justice and strong institutions with youth and volunteerism as it cores power.





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