
Tujuan Aksi Sosial




Berikut visi misi dari pelaksanaan aksi sosial The Golden Orphans “5 Aksi Budi Teruntuk Ibu Pertiwi”: ·         Meningkatkan antusiasme belajar anak-anak panti dengan cerita pengalaman dan motivasi berprestasi dalam ruang inspiratif bersama lima coaches dari alumni, senior, dan pejabat Legato Tutor Charity. ·         Memfasilitasi minat baca anak-anak panti dengan membangun perpustakaan mini, dan mengasah kemampuan bacaan yang konstruktif serta melestarikan budaya membaca. ·         Melatih kemampuan Bahasa Inggris dari basic skills hingga upper intermediate levels yang dibantu oleh 18 katalisator muda. ·         Membentuk kesadaran sanitasi dan pola hidup sehat dengan cara menjaga kebersihan diri dan lingkungan melalui kebiasaan Healthy Lifestyle, pendekatan MCK, serta pengolahan sampah 3R. ·         Mendorong daya kreativitas anak-anak panti agar potensi dan bakatnya dapat dihasilkan dengan optimal. PROGRAM LEARNING OUTPUTS (detail outcomes)     Upon completing the educational program, we will obtain the following attributes:    1. Subject Matter Knowledge and Skills (for the orphans)   ·         Memorize the English alphabet and numeral.   ·         Memorize the basic vocabulary of animals, fruits, vegetables, etc.   ·         Understand the way to introduce themselves.   ·         Understand the way to greet new people.   ·         Apply the English speaking habits in daily life.   ·         Recognize the grammatical errors and basic tenses.   ·         Recognize the topic and main idea on the text (short story).   ·         Apply the three magical words in daily life (sorry, thank you, and please).    2. Pedagogical Knowledge and Skills (for the volunteers)   ·         Design and implement lesson plans in the classroom settings that reflect sound pedagogical principles of autonomous and lifelong learning, effective and joyful learning, and SLA.   ·         Select and adapt instructional materials and media appropriate and relevant to the learners’ characteristics (physical, psychological, moral, spiritual, and socio-cultural background) in various teaching contexts.   ·         Apply the principled learning strategies and classroom management by considering learner factors.   ·         Develop and apply principled assessment procedures.   ·         Use Information and Communication Technology effectively and creatively in designing and implementing lesson plans.   ·         Identify problems in ELT and provide solutions through reflective practice and research. 3. Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Knowledge and Skills (for both)   ·         Demonstrate attitudes reflecting inclusivism, objectivity, and non-discriminating practices.   ·         Demonstrate good morality and behavior.   ·         Realize the principles of work ethics covering discipline, responsibility, self-esteem and self-confidence, and teamwork.   ·         Show effective communicative competence in social interpersonal as well as academic contexts.   ·         Demonstrate creative thinking and innovation in social and academic lives.   ·         Demonstrate independent and continuous learning habits to develop knowledge and skills in ELT responsive to global advancement.    4. Additional Purposes and Goals   ·         Motivated to study hard and inspired to pursue the dreams.   ·         Maintain and improve the children's interest in reading with a variety of proper books that they need and a cozy place (mini library) that they can use continuously.   ·         Notice the preventive and repressive actions over the stunting issues.    ·         Differentiate the types of garbage.   ·         Understand the way to reduce the garbage.   ·         Understand the way to reuse the garbage.   ·         Understand the way to recycle the garbage.   ·         Understand the side effects of defecation and litter issues.   ·         Apply the simple healthy lifestyle.   ·         Enhance the innovative thinking by creating a creative and useful work.   ·         Entrepreneurship minors will be able to create value. The orphans are able to create presentations and business plans that articulate and apply financial, operational, market, and sales knowledge.   ·         Strengthen a solid togetherness by mutual cooking.





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