
Passion & Execussion to Win




What We have from Coaching Class 1 #MustWatch #ForChangeID

Tinung Rambu team is happy to have you what we have from this first session coaching class 1 #ForChangeID.

#BeSociopreneur coaching class 1, give clearly information for us about YSEA 2.0 program for us. It is comprehensive step by step process to complete the YSEA program from coaching class to public voting and final step. Team building will be started after the coaching class to help our social innovation impact and the enterprise grow.

From coaching class 1 with Lemonilo and Alpha JWC Ventures, as women enterpreuner, we must be ready with Comprehensive Business Model as what the investors wants. This businesss model will guide us to test the idea and make sure the business is on track. In final, we can keep it on track for scalable business and to grow into really big interesting market.

Sinta as Founder Lemonilo has the mission to create healthy life style in long goal for afforadble and accessable product. She start from the mvp and trial in the market to have the data and feedback from customer.

The technology also become an effective tools for Lemonilo to launch the MVP and saving more to continue the business while having the data. Another most important that we have as well, is about passionate to what you are doing especially in enterpreuner. We really agree that passion in our experience has lead us to create and to bring Tinung Rambu to the next step of social enterprise.

Anyone with the passion combining with the execusion in the form of business model and actions!





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