
Vote AAKAR for YCSE Academy 2.0 #MengAakar




AAKAR is a tech-enabled one-for-all platform for sustainability fashion network based in Jakarta. We mainly promote and advocate sustainable fashion for the fashion actors and consumers via creative digital contents & campaigns (#MengAakar) and programs. We realise that over-consumption is the main cause for fashion to become the second most polluted industry. The average person buys 60% more clothing every year and keeps them for about half as long as 15 years ago. Furthermore, consumers are regarded as the main culprit for throwing away their used clothing, as only 15% of used clothing is recycled, and more than 75% of pre-use clothing is recycled by the manufacturers. Hence, AAKAR aims to become the ultimate connector amongst these parties as the effective apparatus to achieve mindful consumptions, that eventually will lead to mindful productions. We infuse the 4 pillars of sustainability principle to our programs, which are human, social, economic, and environmental. We believe that the great collaborations amongst these aspects will create the future that we and future generations need and aspire to be. Our main programs focus on B2C online fashion wearables rental platform by establishing collaborations and partnerships with the fashion creators. Currently we are developing our C2C SWOP & Thrifts program by connecting the no-longer-wanted fashion wearables to the new chances for them, and C2C online rental platform program to give them opportunity to earn income from their idle fashion wearables. We are excited to collaborate with the the fashion players to embrace and create the end-to-end sustainable fashion supply chain flow that will benefit us all.

AAKAR has been running since June 2019 when we started our pilot project for the B2C online rental fashion wearables programs and the responses from public was very optimistic. As of today, we have almost reached 100 orders. We also invest in our R&D to establish other innovative and effective programs so we can create the greater goods for the greater impacts. It’s our vision to become the one-for-all online platform for sustainable fashion network in Indonesia where we connect the sustainable resources as well as we share ideas and interesting discussions to make the Earth a better place, in the most fun and cohesive way. With the role as a connector, we are a firm believer for the great collaborations and partnerships, and we need support from #BeSociopreneur to open more doors of opportunities and scale up our outreach so more impacts can be created. By supporting us, you have taken the steps to be a part of this big journey of a breakthrough. Sustainability is something that can only be achieved collectively, and as the proverbs say, “Those who want to go fast, walk alone. And those who want to go far, walk together.” So yes, we definitely can’t do this alone and we need you to get on board by voting for us. Let’s do this together!

What can you do?
1. Download aplikasi Campaign:
Android: https://bit.ly/CampaignPlayStore
Apple: https://bit.ly/CampaignAppStore

2. Log in akun Campaign kamu

3. Scroll down dan temukan ‘Feature Update’

4. Klik “Update” yang berjudul “Vote AAKAR for YCSE Academy 2.0 #MengAakar”

5. Double-tap pada gambar atau klik icon 💙 dibawah gambar

Atau unggah Buku Panduan “How to Vote YCSE Academu Finalist” di link berikut ini:





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