
Coaching Class 1 Lemonilo




Experth Advice (Developing a Business Model: Evan Burfield- CO Founder, 1776) Investors want a start up to focus on their business model. What is business model? Is a collection of assumption that must be true in in order to our start up to generating a consistent profit. This assumption include a precise description of customer we will engage, the problem we want to solve to those customer, the feature of the solution about problem, the messages and channels we use to connect to those customers, the economic around what and how we will charge for the solution and what will cost  us to provided.77 What does scalability mean? Scalable means to see the opportunity in gaining profit, and to find the way to grow our business rapidly. The hypothesis validation of the data we provide is important and could be collected from the actual interaction with our customer. “Lean Startup Methodology” is one of the important way of going an continues experimental business model development. They are iterative, experimental approaches, in depth understanding of customer underneath with fast and flexible approach of building up our product. It must be fast as possible, getting tested at your customer, and a quick twigs and changes, and repeat. What is the essence of a great pitch? To communicate the business model to potential investor to other audiences is to keep the pitch updated. It is the story we tell about our business through deck. This is consisted of 10 to 12 slides and no more and as visual as we can make. Great Story Is all about the beginning, middle and the end. The beginning: Setting the scene (Compiling the characters to our audience can relate) The middle: is about explaining a challenge to face The end: how the character can resolving the problem in a satisfying way. Pitch: 1.       Who the user if the solution is 2.       The explaining the problem the your user face (frustrating or expensive), anecdote, or case study to make the problems seem real with data to explain the size of the problem is ideal 3.       How you make the solution solve this problem, simplest terms possible. Finally, is the way how we can explaining our scale of business into really big interesting market. Lemonilo has a mission to deliver the healthy food for everyone. Comes with idea to help our country in healthy food. They then hire people to scale up their manpower. MPV is something that is fast, and can be tested based on their hypothesis and assumption.





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