
Coaching Class #2 with HARA and Alpha JWC Ventures




Expert Advice -> Identifying Market
1. Learn how to identify market -> market segmentation to get information & opportunity.
2. How to research your ideas
3. How to determine your skill set
* Regardless whats your business idea, the enterpreneur must has to him/herself what is necessary & sufficient condition for a business? Paying customer

You will succeed if you know your market & your personal skills

HARA -> Core Values
1. Integrity
2. Open mindedness
3. Have an impact

38.7 mio Indonesian farmers & they often have limited access to financial services? Why?
- Limited available data on farm level
- No formal presence due tohigh cost of serving in rural areas
- Unsustainable loan through local honeylenders

Gender Diversity at Work
1. Open communication : don't assume
2. Diversity ensures representation. When we talk  about "invisible" farmer, female farmer are often more invisible. Fun fact : The ratio of female farmer managed are higher with female field agent.

HARA Sosial Mission : To build an ecosystem that allows the invisible become accessible.

How to keep the lights on?
1. Be creative
2. Experiment, learn, reiterate -> expand
3. Empower people and they will flourish and surprise you

Why Alpha JWC Ventures finally decide invest on HARA?
1. People : The founder complimentary each other
2. Product : HARA found the problem, they found solutions, and the market is huge
3. Potential : Agriculture is huge part of Indonesian economy, the market is huge, the magnitude of an impact that HARA can bring is very large.

- HARA : Being honest to the team what is our ability, so they will help you and compliment you if you are not able to do something.

- Alpha JWC Ventures 
What if the founder & co-founder have problem for the investor side?
Play role as 3rd party that objective, to mediate co-founder/team members who have conflict. If the founder/co-founder decided to separate, help the founder to get smooth transition so the company can still continue and also the founder can still have a good relationship as well.

How HARA maximize the using tech, while farmers dont use smart cellphone?
HARA doesn't make an apps for farmers, but for someone who help farmers get in touch with HARA. 

- Alpha JWC Ventures
How to minimize the risk? Control the process.

- Alpha JWC Ventures
What factors that investor see to determine the business really has an impact? 
2 factors that we consider as one scalability to sustain and grow the business and scale the impact. Think about technology can help you scale your business and scale your impact. Financial stability is important because if have profit, you have room to have more impact. 

Q & A
1. What if we dont have any skills to produce the product, what would you do? Find someone who can compliment your skill to fill that gap.

2. How to empower people? Ask what they want to achive in their life. Knowing their goals help to determine their passion and they want to achieve. Understanding what motivates people will help chance to prove it.

3. Why farmers and why technology? Because there are big number of farmers in Indonesia and technology can help us to cut the process more efficient.





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