
#BeSociopreneur Coaching Class #1




  1. Building a great business model that aims to scale the enterprise by generating sustainable and consistent profits. Points on how to achieve this:

    1. Precise description of the customers you will engage

    2. The customer’s problem we solve

    3. The features of the solutions of that problem

    4. The messages and the channels to reach and connect your customers

    5. The economics to charge your customers

    6. The cost you will spend to solve the problems

  2. Scalability business model by testing your hypothesis and experimentation for the business model development process.

    1. Lean Startup approach: iterate, experimental, fast, flexible.

    2. Make an up to date pitch or story on a deck (max 12 slides, as visual as you can make it)

    3. Great story: beginning (create compelling characters) - middle (introduce the characters’ problems) - end (beautiful ending where the characters using our solutions to solve their problems)

  3. Creating an MVP - oversimplified version of our dream output that can be tested directly by the customers. The point is MVP should be practical, simple, alterable, can be used by users, scale up when it’s possible and can generate the data.

  4. Launch MVP fast, alter and/or iterate fast, be passionate about what you build, find the right partners to build your startups that share the equal passion as yours. 

  5. Lean strategy for creating effective MVP: knows your product would be, recruit ur tech guy as ur founding partner, utilise the social media

  6. Build prototype that really low cost but effective to prove the hypothesis of your business models

  7. What’s next after launching the MVP: How to process the feedbacks.

    1. Narrow down to top 3 to be the input for altering the MVP

    2. Be mindful about the timing to launch the MVP >> no need to build the perfect MVP

    3. Prepare the marketing strategy to ensure that more users to get and use the MVP and make sure to provide channels to users to give the feedbacks (i.e. social media)

  8. For the investor’s side, what does the product that can be scaled up? Venturing your enterprise is a journey to validate whether your product is a product market fit. So be clear and focus.

    1. Clarity - goals, so be focused. 

    2. What is the value proposition

    3. The market segment that you serve

  9. As long as you solve people’s pain points, the more you solve, the higher you can charge and the more the customers are willing to pay

  10. Pricing strategy depends on how many problems are solved by your products and the target market for your products.






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