
What You Might Have Missed on YCSE Academy 2.0 Online Festival So Far




How many YCSE Academy 2.0 Online Festival by @america events have you joined for the past month? Hopefully we are on the same page after 5 of them! Five social enterprises have shared their mission to you and the festival is halfway to the finish line. For any of you who may have missed any of the events last month, let’s get caught up on all of the amazing discussions that some of the Top 10 social enterprises have facilitated so far: 

Menganyam Pesisir: “ANANTHA” Women without Borders

Nelly Tristiana as the head of gender equality and women empowerment in the Special Region of Yogyakarta shared how gender equality is still a main problem there. The fact that women make so much less income than men is one example of how this problem manifests. This is also why as a social enterprise, Menganyam Pesisir, decided to take the first step to empower them.

Ida Graceida as the founder of House of Diamond, a social enterprise in the fashion industry, also inspired the audience by sharing their activity to give sewing training to women in Bantul and employ them. Moreover, their products have been exported to several countries through their connections and today they have successfully adapted their business by pivoting and making batik fabric masks. Wow!


In the implementation of growth hacking itself, Kampung Marketer prioritizes collaboration and partnership. How many of you have tried to collaborate with others instead of doing everything alone? Rosita Tandos from Bilqis Foundation also supported the idea of collaboration, especially in community development where the program of entrepreneurship and microcredit training has been given. 

Nichoa Chocolate: Sharing a Culture of Health in the New Normal

Right now, there are so many healthy food products out there. But what do we really know about them and their ingredients? Annisa Pratiwi, the owner of Ladang Lima, shared how her company started making tapioca products to aim for a sustainable food chain and also as a response to the need for gluten-free products with no preservatives in the market. Besides creating healthy food products, she also stresses the importance of educating people on why they need to substitute certain ingredients in their diet. 

Meanwhile, Andri Setyowati, founder of Nichoa Chocolate, shared her story producing chocolate snack products for pregnant women. This began when she noticed pregnant women love snacking, but at the same time there are not many healthy options out there. Can you imagine being pregnant and being able to say that your delicious snack also provides you with additional nutrients?


Individual ingredients aside, Kania Annisa Anggiani, founder of Healthy Go Getter and Chic&Darling, also shared how keeping conscious eating has improved her quality of 

life, physically and mentally. It’s amazing how a healthy diet can totally change you! 

Moving forward, we’re so glad that we still have 5 events from 5 social enterprises to watch! Stay tuned every Wednesday at 2 pm for more insightful events on @america social media channel, also do not forget to participate in the program below. By completing this program,  you will have donated Rp50.000 to the YCSE Academy 2.0 Top 10 participants’ social missions!


Inowastech: Finding Eco Friendly Solutions for Waste

In the discussion, Novrizal Tahar as the Director of Waste Management in the Ministry of Environment and Forestry emphasized that the waste problem is not only a government problem. Instead, it’s a problem for every individual to solve and we need to take action now before it’s too late! As a government official, he totally supports Inowastech’s product and activities. How about you, have you tried to do waste sorting in your own home?

If not, maybe you will be interested in the approach made by Bank Sampah Bersinar. Fei Febri, its CEO, explained that the waste management problem in Indonesia needs a better approach. Besides the literacy approach, Indonesian needs a direct reward approach such as giving an economic incentive to waste sorting so that this becomes a part of the Indonesian lifestyle. Imagine if you can earn money, or even gold, by sorting your waste! Guess what, you can do exactly that!

Darah Kita: More Blood, More Life

We know blood is important, but has it crossed our mind that some people’s lives right this second are dependent on our blood donation? Rahmat Widodo, an influencer and admin of the popular Instagram account @diarypmr shared how blood plays a significant role to those who have leukemia. In this pandemic, he witnessed how many people who depend their life on blood transmission have to suffer and even die because of the shortage of blood supply. Therefore, he and Darah Kita encouraged us to donate because the Indonesia Red Cross (Palang Merah Indonesia) blood supply is running out. 

Part of the Indonesia Red Cross, Khudri Arsyad also emphasized the need for blood supply in Indonesia. The Indonesia Red Cross is aware of people’s anxiety to be a donor, especially at this time, because the misconception that donating blood can lower the immune system. According to him, this theory is false and the opposite is true. But as a response to this anxiety, he mentioned various measures that have been put in place to make donating blood a breeze. These measures include limiting the number of donors at any given time and assessing donors’ COVID-19 risk before the blood donation. Now, we don’t have anything to worry about right? 

Kampung Marketer: Evolving Your Digital Business with Collaboration and Growth Hacking

Are you familiar with “growth hacking”? If not, don’t worry! According to Tondi Nugraha as a Digital Marketer Advisor, growth hacking is a combination of creative marketing, data analytics and testing, as well as software engineering and automation. This term has gained popularity from the thinking that growing a business is not only about growing revenue, but also growing the customer base and business value.






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